September 2012 Announcements & Events

  1. I hope everyone had a fantastic summer vacation.
  2. The competition was a great success. I would like to thank all the parents who helped me make this competition possible.
  3. All the students did very well in both competitions. I would like to congratulate the students who achieved the highest score in their respective groups for the 11th International Abacus Competition in Santa Clara:

    Grand Champion: Vicky Ro

    Group A: Allison Wu

    Group C: Alice Cheng

    Group E: Ethan Chen

    Group F: Vicky Ro

    Additionally, I would like to congratulate the students who placed in the top three of their respective groups for the 2012 All-USA Calculation Contest:

    Group A: Jonathan Huang (2nd Place)

    Christopher Lo (3rd Place)

    Group B: Jonah Hu (2nd Place)

    Zoe Liau (3rd Place)

    Group C: Ethan Chen (2nd Place)

    Chloe Liau (3rd Place)

    Group D: Kevin Liou (1st Place)

    Vicky Ro (2nd Place)