Spring 2017 Announcements

  1. On April 2nd, we attended a competition hosted by the League for Soroban Education in Milpitas. We had around 80 students attend. Everyone did very well! Special congratulations to the following students who placed first and second!
    • Group B — 1st: Elijah Chau, 2nd: Indu Devakonda
    • Group C — 1st: Jeremy Ko, 2nd: Myron Chan
    • Group D — 1st: Ethan Chen, 2nd: Karen Nakamura
  2. The All American Correspondence Abacus Contest will be held on May 7th.
  3. There will be 8 college bound seniors this year. I plan to hold the Graduation Party on May 29th.
  4. The Level Test will be held on June 11th. Registration details will be provided later.
  5. As usual, I will be hosting the annual Abacus Mental Math Summer Camp in June. Camp will begin on June 12th and have sessions running through August 4th. Each session will be one week. If interested, please feel free to contact me for more information.
  6. This year, the All USA Abacus Competition Calculation Contest with Yabuki Sensei will be in Anaheim. It will be on August 12th to 13th. He will provide registration forms soon.
  7. From April 10th to April 16th, there will be no class due to Spring Break. All classes resume on April 17th, 2017.
  8. We will be opening a new beginning abacus class starting in June. If you have any interested family, friends or colleagues whom have children interested in learning abacus, please let me know. I am eternally thankful for your referrals and unwavering support.
  9. Summer vacation this year will be from August 7th through August 20th.